Simply Grace

Christmas Granola

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Okay, I’ve got such a great recipe for you guys: Christmas granola! I’m such a Greek yogurt nut, it’s one of my go to breakfasts. Sometimes I like to add a little crunch too, so I’ll top it off with some granola. I wanted to come up with a granola recipe that captures the true essence of Christmas. Most of my everyday granolas are a little more raw and earthy, but this one is more like a treat. What screams Christmas more than treats though? You can totally alter this recipe and make it with less maple syrup, honey, or dried fruit to make it more of an everyday granola.  Let me know what you guys think!

Christmas Granola


  1. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees. Add the honey, maple syrup, coconut oil, salt, cinnamon, allspice, cloves, and nutmeg in a bowl and whisk together. Then, add the oats, pumpkin seeds, pistachios, and walnuts to the wet mixture. Stir together until all ingredients are covered in the mixture.
  2. Line a baking pan with parchment paper. Lay the granola out flat on the parchment paper and put in the oven. Let the granola bake for about 15 mins. Please, keep an eye on the granola though. It can burn within a minute.
  3. Once your granola is done, take it out and lay it on the counter to cool. When it starts to harden up, you’ll know its done. If your granola still feels soft, put it back in the oven for a little bit longer.
  4. Add the dried fruit, coconut flakes, and chocolate once the granola has cooled. All done!


Hope you all enjoy!

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